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There’s a revolution taking hold in the healthcare industry.

Over the last few years, a new way of discussing health, wellness and disease prevention has been rapidly gaining ground, and attitudes about exercise and nutrition are being completely transformed.

When we started Nutraceutics in 1994, nutritional science was still seen by many as some sort of alchemy. The American medical community had always acknowledged the value of fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet, but we never really stopped to ask why that balanced diet was so important.

We knew the playing field was changing when the National Institutes for Health (NIH) first began putting real dollars into research on alternative medicine. Although researchers around the world have been exploring non-pharmacological remedies for decades, this NIH move was a catalyst for a serious attitude adjustment within mainstream medicine.

Today, you can’t pick up a newspaper without reading about some new research linking nutrition to wellness and disease prevention. A growing number of physicians are embracing the science of movement and nutrition, and many are even taking a proactive approach to helping patients incorporate the latest research into their daily lives.

Biochemists, pharmacologists, physiologists, botanists and nutritional scientists are collaborating as never before. Studies exploring the complex interactions of dietary intake, exercise and environmental factors on health are reported monthly in peer-reviewed journals around the world. This research is converging into a new, groundbreaking view of medicine that unites the science from many disparate fields into a holistic approach to wellness and prevention.

While we’ve come a long way, we still have a long way to go. Education is a start. We have to challenge ourselves to ask more questions, seek the latest clinical intelligence and then bring that data to public attention. We must do a better job of making the connection between a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle-between the quality of what goes in our bodies and the quality of how we live. Only then will we truly understand that the key to a happier, healthier life lies not in a pill, but in ourselves.

Why We Like Effervescence…

For years European consumers have enjoyed the many benefits from taking effervescent vitamin supplement drinks. Aside from the obvious advantage of convenience, effervescent drinks are easy on the stomach, easily ingested and more easily absorbed by the body. In addition to making nutraceutical formulations convenient and bioavailable, effervescent drinks enhance the bioavailability of certain hard to absorb nutrients. Simultaneously, it also reduces gastric upset that is often associated with taking supplements.

The greatest benefit of effervescents is the one least known. The most critical and potentially limiting factor in taking any nutraceutical formulation is administering the proper dose. This is known as efficacious dosage, and it’s not always easy. The efficacious dose for some supplements is so great, consumers would have to take 4 or 5 tablets or capsules of each ingredient in order to achieve the desired benefit. Ultimately, patient compliance becomes an issue. In our average effervescent formulation, there are five to ten ingredients. Translated into pills, that’s a lot of pills. For the thousands of consumers who have difficulty swallowing pills, effervescent drinks are a lifesaver. Effervescent technology takes the guesswork out of patient compliance, ensuring the proper dose is administered with each convenient, delicious serving.

The benefits of effervescents:

  • Convenience
  • Individually packaged single serving doses
  • Easy to swallow
  • Increased absorption
  • Enhanced bioavailability
  • Easy on the stomach
  • Effacacious dosing
  • Guaranteed fresh until you activate it in your glass

Meditropin Amino Acids Can Turn Back the Clock

This natural effervescent beverage consists of a blend of protein amino acids, peptides, vitamins and minerals that kick-start the body’s own natural production of human growth hormone (HGH) by triggering the natural function of the pituitary gland. Meditropin® is a dietary supplement that is natural, free of stimulants, is NOT HGH and is NOT a steroid.
Meditropin® is a delicious-tasting beverage that can help uplift mood, reduce fat around the midriff and hips, firm the skin on the body and face, improve muscle definition, reduce LDL cholesterol, lessen wrinkles, improve libido, reduce cellulite, and provide better sleep patterns. Some women also notice less PMS and menopausal issues such as feelings of sadness, depression, hot flashes and night sweats.


By Dr. Bruce Erik Hedendal
For decades, health educators have stressed jogging, cycling and mat-prancing jazzercise as key ingredients in a weight-loss regimen. But recent studies show that there’s a better way to stay fit and energetic. Our fitness expert, Dr. Bruce Erik Hedendal, explains it all.

Think back to your days as a kid, running around, bouncing off the walls, as if driven by some inexhaustible power supply. Remember that “alive” feelingthat exhilarating rushimmediately following an all-out bike race or sprint down the block? Believe it or not, that high-intensity play may have been the best exercise you’ve ever had.

In fact, high-intensity (HI), short-duration exercise has been proven to be better than long periods of low-impact aerobic activity when it comes to strength and weight loss. But this is no new phenomenonhumans have been sprinting to keep fit (and alive) for thousands of years.

To fully understand this concept, you have to think like a caveman (which comes far too easily for many of us). As a caveman, your survival depends on your ability to run faster and hit harder than your dinner (as well as the beastie who’s trying to make you their dinner). Short bursts of activity. Quick, all-out sprints. But not very much long-distance jogging (unless you’re just trying to wear out your prey). As a caveman, you’re getting a serious non-stop HI workout. It’s easy to see how the human body has been biologically programmed to get the most out of HI exercise through eons of survival instinct.

So, now that our survival no longer includes outrunning man-eating tigers (unless you happen to work in Vegas), is HI exercise still the way to go? Absolutely.

For decades, scientists have known that short-duration anaerobic exercise improves athletic performance, and that the release of human growth hormone (hGH), testosterone and other bone-building, body-enhancing hormones are directly related to the intensitynot the durationof exercise. (1) When charged with these anabolic hormones, our bodies build more muscle mass, which dramatically improves weight loss, resulting in slimmer, more-toned physique. Anabolic hormones are also known to enhance skin and hair, improve sleeping habits, strengthen immune response and improve sexual performance.

Ready to throw out your NordicTrack and go full-time HI? Wait a second. While low-intensity, long-endurance aerobic exercise may not be the gold-standard fat-burner we’ve always thought, it’s important to remember that cardiovascular activity is vital to circulatory health, preventing heart disease and increasing lung capacity, and should be incorporated as a part of your normal exercise regimen. Stop. Read that sentence again. I’m not saying that aerobic exercise is bad. On the contrary, it’s very important. But it shouldn’t be the primary component in your weight-loss regimen. You just have to find the best balance between low-intensity aerobic and HI anaerobic to achieve the best results.

Making it happen
Working a HI component into your regular exercise regimen is surprisingly simple. There are two elements to a HI exercise regimen: interval sprints and resistance training, and the key to both is the anaerobic characteristic of the exercise. You’ll know when you’re doing a HI exercise right when you can’t breathe through your nose or talk easily. And because anaerobic training causes rapid muscle fatigue, your interval sprinting workouts will rarely last more than 20 minutes.

As you push yourself through your workout, anabolic hormones are released into the system, and you will feel energized and powerfulso powerful, in fact, that you may have to force yourself to resist the temptation to keep going through more and more reps. It’s important that you do no more than the recommended number of repetitions per workout, and you must make sure your body gets a full two-minute rest period between each repetition.

As with any new exercise regimen, proceed incrementally. Tune in and listen to your body, it will tell you where your limits are. And remember, it has been demonstrated that you can experience strength and muscle gains of up to 200 percent with resistance training, and increases of hGH and testosterone in adults even beyond 70. (2, 3)

There is no need to be scared by the word “sprint.” Any exercise done with short bursts of extreme intensity qualifies as a sprint (remember your days as a caveman) Examples of HI sprinting include running, biking, rowing and swimming, or even squats and jumping rope. To get started, set your own baseline for a sprint, and then push yourself as hard and as fast as you can. Rest completely between repetitions and repeat the process.

Warm-up slowly by either powerwalking or jogging (best done on grass or a quality track). If you’re older, work up to a real all-out sprint (90% or more of full speed) over several sessions. Progress to eight repetitions per workout over several sessions. The key to success is putting out high-intensity bursts of speed lasting 15 to 60 seconds (depending on the sport), with two minutes of recovery between intervals. For running, 60 to 100 meters is a good distance to start. If you cycle or swim, you will need to go between 30 to 45 seconds to get the required high level of intensity to get the hGH-releasing effect. Be sure to stretch after your workout and go home feeling powerful from the natural “HI.”

Resistance training
Work in resistance/weight training one to three times weekly, alternating with one to three interval sprints weekly. It’s best to work with a trainer to get the form right for each exercise, and to determine which exercises to include for each muscle group. Determine the weight to use for each exercise and keep a written log.

In HI weight training, muscle failure means success. It’s your only way of knowing when you’ve reached the hGH-releasing benchmark and achieved the most anabolic stimulus possible from that exercise.

The human body is a moving, changing machine. Evolutionary heritage has trained our biology to extract the optimum benefit from different types of exercisewhether short, HI training or extended aerobic activity. High-intensity exercise offers much more than just a better body, it unlocks a more alert, peaceful mind, increased physical and mental energy, and a more-satisfying sex life. The research is in and it’s conclusive. Challenge yourself to live the “HI” life, and discover the fit, sexy youno matter how old you are.


Lee IM. (1995). “Exercise intensity and longevity in men.” The Harvard Alumni Study. JAMA. Apr.
Evans. (1992). “Exercise, nutrition, and aging.” J Nutr. Mar;122(3 Suppl) 796-801.
Hurel, Koppiker et al. (1999). “Relationship of physical exercise and aging to growth hormone production.” Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). Dec;51(6):687-91.